
卢浮宫英文(巴黎圣母院等建筑热词中英汇总) 巴黎圣母院新闻相关热词: 巴黎圣母院 Notre Dame de Paris / the Notre-Dame cathedral in Paris 与翻修工作有关 be linked to ren

本文最后更新时间:  2023-03-17 14:11:20



巴黎圣母院 Notre Dame de Paris / the Notre-Dame cathedral in Paris

与翻修工作有关 be linked to renovation work

大火 a major fire

吞噬 engulf

地标性建筑 landmark

哥特式建筑 Gothic building

灭火 tackle the blaze

拱顶 vault

浓烟 huge plumes of smoke

国家的标志 national symbol

世界珍宝 a jewel of world heritage

全力抢救艺术品 all efforts are directed at saving artwork

助长火势 fuel the fire



1 美索不达米亚建筑Mesopotamian architecture

2古埃及建筑Egyptian architecture

3 古希腊建筑Greek

4 古罗马建筑Roman architecture

5 拜占庭建筑Byzantine architecture

6 罗曼式建筑Romanesque architecture

7 哥特式建筑Gothic architecture

8古典建筑classical architecture

9文艺复兴建筑Renaissance architecture

10 巴洛克建筑Baroque architecture

11 洛可可建筑Rococo architecture

12 伊斯兰建筑Islamic architecture


1 单层建筑single-story building

2 多层建筑multistory building

3 高层建筑 highrise building, tall building

4 超高层建筑super highrise building, supertall building

5 摩天楼skyscraper

6 活动房屋mobile house

7 建筑队群building group

8 裙房podium

9 楼层floor

10 夹层mezzanine
