

本文最后更新时间:  2023-04-21 05:40:57




1. “Use your essay to tell a personal storyabout what you have experienced and why it is important to you. That is how youshow an admissions committee who you are. And that is the only thing they aretrying to understand. “So don’t focus on ‘making a good impression.’ Instead,show them who you are and what you care about, write about these thingsgenuinely and sincerely, and you will make a good impression without eventrying to.”


2. “Thekey is to tell a story. People are naturally drawn to stories.Admissions officers are no different in this regard. “An applicant who can tella compelling narrative about her experiences, particularly when written with aclear sense of purpose, has a powerful advantage over other applicants becauseshe is making herself memorable.

PS 写作的核心是讲故事,讲一个自己的真实的故事,目的明确,凸显自己的某一个或者两个优点,但是不要面面俱到,这样才能让自己的文章脱颖而出。

3.Choose one or two narrative moments and tell them in the moment. These

momentsare representative of your story. It’s important to accept that anystory you attempt to tell will necessarily be incomplete. Avoid the temptationof recounting your memory “exactly” as you remember it. Rather, remember thatyou are being assessed on the quality of your personal essay, not the qualityof your memory. So use the memory as a starting point for the essay, but makesure you end up with a narrative that stands solidly and creatively on its own.






NACAC 美国大学招生委员会认证顾问;

IECA 美国独立教育顾问协会认证顾问;

TABS 美国寄宿中学协会认证顾问;

RCHENA 北美高等教育研究中心首席顾问;
