
欲望对爱有帮助,但要正常,不得过分寸头。要对身体负责才行。当你的欲望足够强烈时,你就会拥有超人的力量去实现梦想。When your desires are strong enough you will appear to

本文最后更新时间:  2023-04-14 23:30:02

当你的欲望足够强烈时,你就会拥有超人的力量去实现梦想。When your desires are strong enough you will appear to possess superhuman powers to achieve.

如果没有了欲望和梦想,那你的想法就无关紧要。Without desires and dreams, your thoughts do not matter and you can think whatever you want to.

除非一个人觉悟出生活的意义,否则他的能力或天赋便会用来强调自我及其欲望。Unless a person realizes the meaning of life, his ability or talent will be used to emphasize himself and his desires.

人类的行为有三个主要来源:欲望、情感和知识。Human behavior flows from three main sources: desire, emotion, and knowledge.

欲望和利益的诱惑会击破人的心理防线……导致很多常人无法想象的事都有人去做!这就是社会鱼目混杂的原因! 努力坚守或击碎各种心理防线!The temptation of desire and profit will break down people's psychological defenses... Lead to a lot of ordinary people can not imagine things have been done! That's why society is so mixed up! Try to hold or break all kinds of psychological defense!
