本文目录一览: 1、北京邮电大学彭木根教授发表的论文有哪些? 2、北京邮电大学彭木根怎么样? 3、北京邮电大学信息与通信工程学院的师资队伍 4、北京邮电大学彭木根的简历和成果列表? 5、北京邮电大学彭木根的学生毕业都去哪里了 北京邮电大学彭木根教授发表的论文有哪些?荣获高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(科学技术)技术发明奖一等奖,中国通信学会科技进步奖二等奖和北京青年优秀科技论文奖二等奖,同时荣获国际学术会议最佳论文奖3次。在国际学术期刊和国际会议上发表学术论文180余篇,其中SCI学术期刊论文40余篇;申请科技发明专利60余项,授权专利20余项;提交标准技术文稿30余篇,出版学术专著和译著10余部。近年作为项目负责人主持国家自然科学基金项目3项,北京市自然科学基金重点项目1项,科技部“863”项目1项,国家科技重大专项项目1项,高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金与香港研究资助局研究用途补助金合作项目1项
学院贯彻“教育以学生为本、办学以教师为本”的指导思想,坚持以教学为中心,牢固树立“质量是生命线”的观念,不断深化教学改革、提高教学质量。从北京市精品教材到国家级精品课程,从全国优秀教师到国家级教学名师,从北京市优秀教学团队到国家级实验教学示范中心,学院教师在教学改革、课程和教材建设、实践教学等方面几十次获得省部级以上奖励,也涌现出许多荣获省部级以上奖励的优秀教师。 院长:刘韵洁
副书记:赵雪梅 该学院依据科研领域和方向设置七个教研中心及一个实验中心、成立16个科研学术团队: 教研中心 责任教授 主要科研方向 主要成员 信息理论与技术 田宝玉
林家儒 通信中信息处理、
信息理论与通信网技术 赵振纲、吕铁军、
吕旌阳、牛凯、贺志强、刘雨 信息理论与技术 曾志民 下一代通信系统理论、技术与应用 冯春燕、裘晓峰、纪阳、朱新宁 无线通信 王文博 无线通信信号处理理论 啜钢、纪晓东、靳浩、
郑侃、赵慧、吴湛击 无线通信 杨大成 无线理论与技术 杨鸿文、楼培德、袁超伟、常永宇、
桑林、全庆一、张欣、王亚峰 多媒体技术 蔡安妮 多媒体通信和数字图像处理 门爱东、黄孝建、王雷、
王海婴、赵衍运、庄伯金 多媒体技术 景晓军 军事通信学、图像处理、多媒体通信 陈磊、孙松林、苏放 多媒体技术 李学明 数字内容处理技术、
数字媒体创意与制作 别红霞、魏芳 通信网技术 陈建亚 通信网关键理论和技术 刘韵洁、李书芳、刘丹谱、
罗涛、王振凯、崔鸿雁 通信网技术 纪越峰 宽带通信系统与网络技术 陆月明、孙咏梅、田慧平、李慧、
乔耀军、王宏祥、黄治同、顾仁涛 通信网技术 纪 红 宽带信息网络及无线网络 寿国础、郭志刚、胡怡红、
孙文生、高泽华 通信网技术 温向明 信息通信网络理论、技术与应用 武穆清、刘勇、廖青、苗建松 泛网无线 张 平 新一代无线通信基础理论与网络技术 田辉、刘宝玲、陶小峰、刘培植、
唐晓晟、陈佃军 泛网无线 周 正 短距离无线通信新技术 蒋挺、黄小军、赵成林、
张陆勇、邹卫霞、陈萍 网络搜索 郭 军 Web搜索理论与技术 蔺志青、杨文川、张彬、
徐蔚然、张闯、刘瑞芳、陈光 宽带网络监控 雷振明 互联网信息流监测分析及控制 杨洁、周文莉、何刚
[J72] K. Zhang, M. Peng, P. Zhang, and X. Li,“Secrecy-optimized resource allocation for device-todevice communicationunderlaying heterogeneous networks”,IEEE Trans. Veh. Tech., accepted by May 2016.
[J71] M. Ahmed, M. Peng, M. Abana, S. Yan, and C.Wang, “Interference coordination in het-erogeneoussmall-cell networks: A coalition formation game approach”, IEEE Systems Journal, accepted by Oct.2015.
[J70] J. Li, M. Peng, A. Cheng, and C. Wang,“Resource allocation optimization for delay-sensitive tra#64259;c in fronthaulconstrained cloud radio access networks”,IEEE Systems Journal, accepted by Oct. 2014.
[J69] L. Li, M. Peng, C. Yang, and Y. Wu,“Optimization of base station density for high energy efficient cellular networkswith sleeping strategies,” IEEETransactions on Vehicular Technology,vol. 65, no. 9, pp. 7501 - 7514, Sep.2016.
[J68] M. Peng and K. Zhang, “Recent advancesin fog radio access networks: Performance analysis and radio resourceallocation”, IEEE Access, vol. 4,pp. 5003 - 5009, 2016.
[J67]M. Peng, Y. Sun, X. Li, Z. Mao, and C. Wang, “Recent advances in cloudradio access net-works: System architectures, key techniques, and open issues”,IEEE Communications Survey Tutorial,vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 2282–2308, third quarter, 2016.
[J66] M.Peng, S. Yan, K. Zhang, and C. Wang, “Fog-computing-based radio accessnetworks: Issues and challenges”, IEEE Network, vol. 30, no. 4, pp.46–53, Jul. 2016.
[J65] Z. Zhao, M. Peng, Z. Ding, W. Wang, and H. V. Poor, “Cluster contentcaching: An energy-e#64259;cient approach to improve quality of service in cloudradio access networks”, IEEE Journal on SelectedAreas in Communications, vol. 34, no. 5, pp. 1207 - 1221, May 2016.
[J64] Q. Hu, M. Peng, Z. Mao, X. Xie, and H. V. Poor, “Training design forchannel estimation in uplink cloud radio access networks”, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 64, no. 13, pp.3324–3337, May. 2016.
[J63] M. A. Abana, M. Peng, Z. Zhao, and L. A. Olawoyin, “Coverage and rate analysisin hetero-geneous cloud radio access networks with device-to-devicecommunication”, IEEE Access, vol.4,pp. 2357 - 2370, 2016.
[J62] J. Li, J. Wu, M. Peng, P. Zhang, “Queue-aware energy-e#64259;cient joint remote radiohead activation and beamforming in cloud radio access networks”, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 15, no. 6, pp.3880 - 3894, June. 2016.
[J61] S. Zhang, L. Fan, M. Peng, and H. V. Poor, “Near-optimalmodulo-and-forward scheme for the untrusted relay channel”, IEEE Trans. Information Theory, vol.62, no. 5, pp. 2545 -2556, May 2016.
[J60] Z. Zhou, M. Peng, Z. Zhao, W. Wang, and R.S. Blum, “Wireless-poweredcooperative com-munications: Power-splitting relaying with energyaccumulation”, IEEE Journal on SelectedAreas in Communications, vol. 34,no. 4, pp. 969 - 982, Apr. 2016.
[J59] M.Peng, Y. Yu, H. Xiang, and H. V. Poor, “Energy-e#64259;cient resource allocationoptimization for multimedia heterogeneous cloud radio access networks”, IEEE Trans. Multimedia, vol. 18,no. 5,pp. 879 -892, May 2016.
[J58] D. Liang, Z. Zhang, and M. Peng, “Access point reselection andadaptive cluster splitting-based indoor localization in wireless local areanetworks”, IEEE Internet of ThingsJournal, vol. 2, no. 6, pp. 573 –585, Dec. 2015.
[J57] M.Peng, K. Zhang, J. Jiang, J. Wang, and W. Wang, “Energy-e#64259;cient resourceassignmen-t and power allocation in heterogeneous cloud radio access networks”,IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 64, no. 11,pp. 5275–5287, Nov. 2015.
[J56] M.Peng, H. Xiang, Y. Cheng, S. Yan, and H. V. Poor, “Inter-tier interferencesuppression in heterogeneous cloud radio access networks”, IEEE Access, vol 2015, no. 3, pp. 2441-2455 Dec. 2015.
[J55] Z. Ding, M. Peng, and H. V. Poor, “Cooperative non-orthogonal multipleaccess in 5G systems”, IEEECommunications Letters, vol. 19, no. 8, pp. 1462–1465, Aug. 2015.
[J54] X. Xie, M. Peng, F. Gao, and W. Wang, “Superimposed training based channelestimation for uplink multiple access relay networks”, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 14, no. 8, pp.4439–4453, Aug. 2015.
[J53] X. Xie, M. Peng, W. Wang, and H. V. Poor, “Training design and channelestimation in uplink cloud radio access networks”, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 22, no. 8, pp. 1060–1064, Aug.2015.
[J52] Y. Li, T. Wang, Z. Zhao, M. Peng, and W. Wang, “Relay modeselection and power allocation for hybrid one-way/two-wayhalf-duplex/full-duplex relaying”, IEEECommunications Letters, vol. 19, no. 7, pp. 1217–1220, Jul. 2015.
[J51] Z. Zhou, M. Peng, Z. Zhao, and Y. Li, “Joint power splitting and antennaselection in energy
harvesting relay channels”, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol.22, no. 7, pp. 823–827, Jul. 2015.
[J50] M.Peng, C. Wang, J. Li, H. Xiang, and V. Lau, “Recent advances in underlayheterogeneous networks: Interference control, resource allocation, andself-organization”, IEEE CommunicationsSurvey Tutorial, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 700–729, second quarter, 2015.
[J49] M.Peng, X. Xie, Q. Hu, J. Zhang, and H. V. Poor, “Contract-based interferencecoordinationin heterogeneous cloud radio access networks”, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 33, no. 6,pp. 1140–1153, Jun. 2015.
[J48] C. Jiang, N. C. Beaulieu, L. Zhang,Y. Ren, M. Peng, and H. Chen,“Cognitive radio networks with asynchronous spectrum sensing and access”, IEEE Network, vol. 29, no. 3, pp.88–95, Jun. 2015.
[J47] M.Peng, C. Wang, V. Lau, and H. V. Poor, “Fronthaul-constrained cloud radioaccess networks: Insights and challenges”,IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 152– 60, Apr. 2015.
[J46] Z. Ding, C. Zhong, D. Wing, M. Peng, H. A. Suraweera, R. Schober,and H. V. Poor, “Ap-plication of smart antenna technologies in simultaneouswireless information and power transfer”, IEEECommun. Mag., vol. 53, no. 4, pp. 86-93, Apr. 2015.
[J45]M. Peng, Y. Li, Z. Zhao, and C. Wang, “System architecture and keytechnologies for 5G heterogeneous cloud radio access networks”, IEEE Network, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 6–14,Mar. 2015.
[J44] Z. Zhao, Z. Ding, M. Peng, and J. Thompson, “On thedesign of cognitive radio inspired asymmetric network coding transmissions inMIMO systems”, IEEE Transactions onVehicular Technology, vol. 64,no. 3, pp. 1014–1025, Mar. 2015.
[J43] M.Peng, Q. Hu, X. Xie, Z. Zhao, and H. V. Poor, “Network coded multi-hopwireless communication networks: Channel estimation and training design”, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 33, no.2, pp. 281–294, Feb. 2015.
[J42] M.Peng, C. I, C. Tan, and C. Huang, “IEEE access special section editorial:Recent advances in cloud radio access networks”, IEEE Access, vol. 2, pp. 1683–1685, Dec. 2014.
[J41] M.Peng, Y. Li, J. Jiang, J. Li, and C. Wang, “Heterogeneous cloud radioaccess networks: A new perspective for enhancing spectral and energy e#64259;ciencies”, IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 21, no. 6, pp. 126–135, Dec. 2014.
[J40] X. Xie, M. Peng, Y. Li, and H. V. Poor, “Channel estimation for two-Wayrelay networks in the presence of synchronization errors”, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 62, no. 23, pp.6235–6248, Dec. 2014.
[J39] M.Peng, Y. Li, T. Quek, C. Wang, “Device-to-Device underlaid cellularnetworks under Rician fading channels”, IEEETransactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 13, no. 8, pp. 4247–4259,Aug. 2014.
[J38] M.Peng, S. Yan, and H. V. Poor, “Ergodic capacity analysis of remote radiohead associations in cloud radio access networks”, IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 365–368,Aug. 2014.
[J37] J. Wang, M. Peng, S. Jin, and C. Zhao, “A generalized Nash equilibriumapproach for robust cognitive radio networks via generalized variationalinequalities”, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 13, no.7, pp. 3701–3714, Jul. 2014.
[J36] Y. Li, H. Long, M. Peng, and W. Wang, “Spectrum sharing with analog networkcoding”, IEEE Transactions on VehicularTechnology, vol. 63, no. 4, pp. 1703–1716, Apr. 2014.
[J35] Z. Zhao, M. Peng, Z. Ding, W. Wang, and H. Chen, “Denoise-and-forwardnetwork coding for two-way relay MIMO systems”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 63, no. 2, pp. 775–788, Feb. 2014.
[J34] X. Xie, M. Peng, B. Zhao, W. Wang, and Y. Hua, “Maximum a posteriori basedchannel estimation strategy for two-way relaying channels”, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Commu- nications, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 450–463, Jan. 2014.
[J33] Y. Li, M. Peng, A. Manzoor, and C. Wang, “Co-channel interference intwo-tier heterogeneous networks: analytical model and ergodic capacity’, Transactions on Emerging TelecommunicationsTechnologies, Feb. 2014.
[J31] M.Peng, D. Liang, Y. Wei, J. Li, and H. Chen, “Self-con#64257;guration andself-optimization in LTE-Advanced heterogeneous networks”, IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 51, no. 5, pp. 36–45, May 2013.
[J29] B. Han, M. Peng, Z. Zhao, and W. Wang, “A multidimensional resourceallocation opti-mization algorithm for the network coding-based multiple-accessrelay channels in OFDM systems”,IEEETransactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 62, no. 8, pp. 4069–4078, Oct.2013.
[J28] T. Zhou, M. Peng, W. Wang, and H. Chen, “Low-complexity coordinatedbeamforming for downlink multi-cell SDMA/OFDM system”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 62, no. 1, pp.247–255, Jan. 2013.
[J25] M.Peng, C. Yang, Z. Zhao, W. Wang, and H. Chen, “Cooperative network codingin relay-based IMT-Advanced systems”, IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 50, no. 4, pp. 76–84, Apr. 2012.
[J23] X. Zhang, M. Peng, Z. Ding, and W. Wang, “Multi-user scheduling for networkcoded two-way relay channel in cellular systems”, IEEE Transaction on Wireless Communication, vol. 11, no. 7, pp.2542–2551, Jul. 2012.
[J22] Z. Ding, M. Peng, and H. Chen, “A general relaying transmission protocol forMIMO secrecy communications”, IEEETransactions on Communications, vol. 60, no. 1, pp. 3461–3471, Nov. 2012.