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The term Yankee,sometimes abbreviated to Yank,has

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From Wikipedia,the free encyclopedia
The term Yankee,sometimes abbreviated to Yank,has a few related meanings,often referring to someone of Northern U.S.origin or heritage.Within the United States its meaning has varied over time.Originally the term referred to residents of New England as used by Mark Twain in A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court.During and after the American Civil War its meaning expanded to include any Northerner or resident of the states formerly on the Union side of the war,and included anyone from the Northeast(New England,Mid-Atlantic,and upper Great Lakes states).After the Civil War the term gradually reverted to its earlier meaning of New Englander,[1]although Southerners often continue to use the extended meaning.
Outside the United States,Yank or Yankee is a slang term,sometimes derogatory,for any U.S.citizen.
Origins and history of the word
The origins of the term are uncertain,although there are many speculative suggestions.
Hastings of Cambridge,Massachusetts,was attributed around 1713 to regularly using the word as a superlative,generally in the sense of excellent.[2]
In 1758 British General James Wolfe referred to the New England soldiers under his command as Yankees:"I can afford you two companies of Yankees."[3]Later the term as used by the British was often derogatory,as shown by the cartoon from 1775 ridiculing Yankee soldiers.[3]The"Yankee and Pennamite"war was a series of clashes that occurred in 1769 over land titles in Pennsylvania,in which"Yankee"meant the Connecticut claimants.
One of the earliest theories on the word's origin is that it derives from the Cherokee word eankke,meaning coward,as applied to the residents of New England.
It also may come from a northeastern Native American approximation of the words and anglais.One school of thought is that the word is a borrowing from the Wendat(called Huron by the French)pronunciation of the French l'anglais(meaning the sounded as"Y'an-...






