以前,有些人总是到公园遛狗 翻译Previously,some people always walk the dog in the park英语翻译 1.今天我和妈妈到公园去玩了,.我们还看到很多人们都在公园里,他们...1.T
Previously,some people always walk the dog in the park
英语翻译 1.今天我和妈妈到公园去玩了,.我们还看到很多人们都在公园里,他们...1.Today,I am mother to the park to play anymore.We have also seen a lot of people are in the park,some of them in the walk,some in the dog-walking,the park there are still a lot of fun,and my mother a.
遛狗时主人不注意而伤害他人过程及提醒遛狗人应该注意的问题英语作文When the dog owners do not pay attention to harm others and remind the dog people should pay attention to the problem of writing.It will not take much of my time,although I can’t earn much.Every year,I have holidays to travel.
每天到公园遛狗一次是必要的吗用英语怎么说Is it necessary to walk the dog in the park every day?
近日,本市的一些公园内纷纷竖起禁止遛狗的标牌。假如你是李华,你就这一...Recently,I have done a survey about whether it is reasonable to forbid walking the dogs in the local parks.Some people who are in favor of the ban say that it can help keep the environment cle.